A spec-ad for Greenpeace to remind the public to consider their use of plastic and provoke them to think beyond the usable life of a product.


People place value in other people. We relate to other people and understand them. If Mother Nature was in-fact a mother, sister, or a friend, naturally we would be invested in helping them thrive if we could see them struggling.

There are warning labels on plastic packaging against suffocation for kids thinking it’s a toy. Despite warnings about its impact on the environment, the production of plastic increasing steadily. And when a single piece of plastic will outlive any human, it becomes an exponential problem. One that is silently suffocating the planet.


To show that the 400M Metric tons of plastic already produced, plus the plastic that will be produced in the future is silently killing us.


Designed to make you feel uncomfortable through a powerful use of sound design, at first it’s not clear exactly what you’re watching. Is it about to get steamy? Or… Is the breath becoming more laboured? Is that person okay? As time passes the message becomes crystal clear.
