Even though we spend our whole lives working hard to save our money, we avoid learning about payment protection because it feels too complicated & boring. 78% of Australians still use one password across multiple accounts despite knowing they shouldn’t. 950,000 are working multiple jobs and 48% have, or are planning to start a ‘side-hustle’.

Online complacency is a plague.

We found that people care a lot more about making money than protecting it. 

To address this problem, we have found a unique way to show them how secure their Mastercard is by asking them to hack a virtual card via gamification of just ONE of the many security features keeping consumers safe. 
Making it one of the EASIEST ways to protect your hard-earned savings and the first line of defence against fraud.

The feature we’re representing?


Like Wordle by the New York Times, People will use a microsite to make guesses towards the card number to win $5M.

Guess a sequence of 16 numbers in the correct order on a digital card in order to win the big prize.

An AI algorithm will say how close they are to the actual number. With a low barrier to entry, just like the games you play at a carnival it will feel like it’s within reach. 

So, what is the possibility of guessing the correct number?

1 in 20.9 trillion.

And just like tokenisation, the numbers will be changing making it near impossible to beat Mastercard. 

The last thing left is to tie the loop.

Like Wordle, users will have a limited number of guesses per day. Once out of guesses the card will lock and a message will appear alongside the Mastercard logo. 

“Payment security that works around the clock so you don’t have to.” 

On the surface it looks like we’re offering the priceless feeling of winning $5M. 

But actually, we’re offering the priceless feeling of confidence that your hard-earned money is protected 24/7, seven days a week.